I've been searching all over the web, including many advance searches here but, I am unable to decipher the engine suffix code on my 350. Here is what I have:
Block Casting number: 14093638 = 1986 to 1994
Block Casting date: C022 = 2-Mar-1992
Engine Stamp code: V0306DJS The V0306 = Flint, 6-Mar-1992
Engine Suffix (part of Stamp code) DJS = ????
I've found results for DJH and DJP but no DJS.
Any help?
Block Casting number: 14093638 = 1986 to 1994
Block Casting date: C022 = 2-Mar-1992
Engine Stamp code: V0306DJS The V0306 = Flint, 6-Mar-1992
Engine Suffix (part of Stamp code) DJS = ????
I've found results for DJH and DJP but no DJS.
Any help?