When i raced circle track, one track i ran at was a 3/8 mile (clay) bull ring , the class was outlaw street stock and i had a hi compression 400, I ran a comp oval track flat tappet 232/237 with a 3000-6000 power range, that thing pulled like a mule (hard packed track) and the torque was unmanageable, i think the term they use is explosive! If i was running fast burn heads instead of reworked 492's that thing would have been even more insane. I wouldn't run a 255 degree cam unless i was running a 1/2 mile + track.
But then i your case, your a road racer so i guess i would say how long is your track , how many turns and how long is your longest strait and how sharp a turn does it dump into ? what's your base rpm 4000ish ?
255 is a lot of cam in a 350, how hard do you need it to pull off your minimum rpm ?