Hello and welcome to the forum!
Apologizes for the delay in response!
From the number you've posted we can get some general info on your engine and it's components.
Block Casting Number, 3910010; 1969 - 1979, 302/350 cid, car&truck, 2&4 bolt, 4 bolt most common.
Head Casting Number, 3782461; 1961 - 1970, 302/327/350 cid, 1.94"I/1.5"E.
Intake Casting Number, 3919803; 1967 - 1968, 327/350 cid, quadrajet.
From the Engine Assembly Code, CEB1481 22, we can only speculate.
The three letters at the beginning of the number is the Engine Suffix Code.
This is an early code format, those were not standardized until the 1972 model year.
The early codes were put together at each assembly plant, hand stamped on the engine and written in a 'log book'.
The format was somewhat different in each plant and most of those old hand written records are not available.
These codes were standardized starting with the 1972 model year for all vehicle manufactures in the U.S. by a new feral law.
The GM Engine Suffix Codes were also reused, some several times.
So, simply finding a decoding reference for an older code may or may not be accurate.
I have not been able to find any reference for this Engine Suffix Code for a pre-1972 engine.
So, an educated guess, without any of the other casting numbers from the block; late 60's 350 (?).
I hope some of this information helps!
Don;t be a stranger on the forum!
Stop by from time to time and let us know what your doing with your vintage engine!
Good luck with your build!